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Power Manifesting Practice

As the powerhouse manifestor that you are, who can easily call in your next income leap with ease, here's a power manifesting practice that you can embody today....  one of your most powerful tools as a magical manifestor is neutrality. I know, it may not sound like the sexiest practice in the world.... but truth…

Case Study: Reconnection to Her Spiritual Gifts

Case Study: Reconnection to Her Spiritual Gifts it’s tough to do our highest, most divinely channeled creative work if our nervous system’s dysregulated. like my client who came to me because she was so done with the ongoing stress she was carrying... she wasn’t sleeping, she was irritable with her husband and kids, and she…

Visibility for Entrepreneurs & Creatives

Why is visibility a challenge for so many entrepreneurs & creatives? There’s usually many levels (including the fact that a lot of entrepreneurs are actually extreme introverts )…. but beyond that, there’s often a trauma piece around showing up “bigger”. At the heart of visibility trauma is a belief that it’s unsafe to be…

Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Perceptions are NOT the Truth

Yesterday, I was reminded of something important by a very wise mentor of mine:  "Your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are NOT the truth."   And that statement completely re-calibrated some things that were feeling stuck for me. (Now, this statement might sound surprising coming from me, since I'm always talking about things like trusting…

Upper Limits and Your Nervous System

Have you ever found yourself running into "upper limits"?  One of the interesting things about how our nervous systems are wired is that they are set up first and foremost to keep us safe. To our nervous systems and primitive parts of our brain, the "known" feels safe, while the unknown feels like a…

Neurodiversity and Mindfulness

One of the things I’m passionate about is honoring uniqueness and differences in the ways our brains and bodies are wired. Many folk struggle with mindfulness practices, and assume that the struggle means they need to just try harder. While honoring the truth that mindfulness is a practice and a discipline, it’s also…

Is there a deeper reason behind the workaholism?

My client, an entrepreneur with a business she adores, is a hard worker. Like many ambitious women, she thrives on serving her clients and doing excellent work. When she came for sessions in Somatic Experiencing (SE), she had several goals in mind. But as often happens, sometimes something unexpected will emerge. One of the basic…
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