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Mars-Uranus Conjunction

Harnessing the Energy of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction The Mars-Uranus conjunction peaked on July 15th, 2024, bringing a surge of energy and inspiration that can be used for creative endeavors. This blog post explores the implications of this astrological event and offers insights into how it may affect you personally.  Understanding Mars and Uranus Mars represents…

When Mercury Goes Direct: What Lies Ahead

When Mercury goes direct, ending his retrograde phase, it brings in a new period of clarity and forward movement! In this post, we'll delve into the significance of Mercury turning direct and what it means for you, in the days and weeks ahead. Reflecting on the Retrograde Journey Over the past few weeks, we've…

Full Moon in Scorpio

The full moon on Tuesday, April 23rd in Scorpio brings deep transformation as it squares Pluto. This astrological event signifies a time of powerful transformation and growth. Here's a breakdown of what to expect and how you can make the most of this cosmic alignment. Full Moon in Scorpio and Pluto's Influence The full…
starry night

The Benefits of Mercury Retrograde

If you're interested in the benefits of Mercury Retrograde, you're in the right place. Personally, I think I’m more excited for this Mercury Retrograde than ever before. (All personal planet retrogrades are portals for deep healing, and nothing to fear… but this one’s extra good). here’s why. Virgo- Mercury's Ruling Sign First, this Mercury…

2023 Predictions Podcast

2023 Predictions Podcast I was recently invited by my lovely colleague, Jennifer Longmore, CEO of Soul Journeys®, to join her and some other incredible women who are super clear channels on her amazing podcast, where we are sharing our 2023 predictions to support your ascension journey next year. I’m so excited to share this…

Saturn in Pisces 2023

Saturn in Pisces 2023 On March 7th, 2023, Saturn moves into Pisces where he'll spend the next couple years. We could describe the essence of this shift as "Spiritual Mastery"... listen to the video below to learn more about what this will look and feel like over the next couple years. Learn more…
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