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Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatica

Many people are unclear about the difference between piriformis syndrome and sciatica:  "which one do I have?"  To answer this, it's important to break down the terms and understand what we're referring to. Sciatica is a term that refers to pain that is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve.   It is most often felt in…

meet your scalenes

I tend to have a “favorite” muscle. One at a time. That muscle, or muscle group that I’m fascinated with. Like I have a crush on it, it haunts my thoughts. I observe it in everyone I see, on the street, on my treatment table. Watching its behavior. Right now, my muscle of the moment is…

Her intuitive gifts, combined with cutting edge nervous system & body-based trauma release work allows these amazing leaders to break through their money ceilings, clear outdated anxiety and fear, and confidently step into the next level of their soul’s path. 

Rachel’s currently on a full-time travel and nomadic journey, expanding her capacity for joy through exploring beautiful places in nature, trusting the path as it unfolds, and creating “home” in connections all around the planet.

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