How does your nervous system respond to the seasons?
While celebrating my one year anniversary of moving to New Mexico (after spending most my life in balmy and temperate Southern California), I’m LOVING the energy of the elements, lately.
The high-desert heat, the intensity of the wind, the sudden rain.
We’re in monsoon season, now, and the storms move in out of nowhere mid-afternoon, drenching and gusting everything in their path. There’s an awe and respect that I feel with the elements, here… I’m so NOT in charge
…. and my nervous system is drinking it all up. The heat, the cold, and the intense and powerful energy. I can’t decide which I like most lately, LOL. Sun, wind, rain, snow. It’s a good place to be.
And as we’re coming up on the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere, I’m feeling such a deep appreciation for the elements, the seasons, and this particular aspect of being alive on the planet.
As my wise friend and teacher Heather just reminded me, “to actually feel the passage of time through the experience of weather and the seasons is life-changing’
and, I’m curious… how does your nervous system respond to the elements, to the weather?
In the desert sun, I feel a sense of deep joy, a warmth that’s beyond temperature. A radiance that fills me with a sense of relaxed presence, of “all is well”-ness.
The wind brings an alert excitement, a sense of possibility, of the feeling of the unknown. and the “winds of change”. I feel my nervous system perk up, go on alert, in a positive, expectant way.
The monsoons feel like relief, peacefulness (even as the winds howl), fascination with the energy and elements, and a sense of deep aliveness.
This connection with the elements feels so resourceful, so sustaining…. and always present. (And in New Mexico, always changing )
How does your nervous system respond to the seasons and the elements? Do you have a favorite season? What happens when your system meets the snow, the sun, the rain? I’m curious to know.
Sending love, and in deep gratitude right now to be on this beautiful planet with you.