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“I actually can’t believe it… it’s a huge, huge miracle that my body is self-regulating like that!”

Receiving messages like this never gets old.

It was a message over Voxer, from my client – telling me that she’d been sleeping soundly  through the night, without needing to take sleeping  pills.   

(And, without waking up in anxiety and spending hours tossing & turning and trying to get back to sleep).

What’s more, the sleeping was only one piece. My client was also reporting a  totally different sense of calmness throughout the day and an ability to  “bounce back” from stressful situations.  

She reported a whole new  ability to respond to frustrating situations…. no longer feeling driven by  the emotional triggers. Instead, she’s able to her husband and kids from a  centered and loving place.

How Does Self Regulating of the Nervous System Happen?

Today, my client is living a totally different experience than the place she’d felt “stuck” in when we started working together. 

Mind you, she’d LOOKED quite successful as a busy mom, running a thriving new business.   

But  underneath the capable exterior was a different story: anxious thought loops running the  show, feeling alternately stressed and exhausted, managing random body  aches and pains that constantly moved around but never actually healed,  and of course, the insomnia…which included waking up nightly into heart  palpitations and extreme anxiety.

With all this going on, it made sense why the  relief in her Voxer message was so palpable. And as she described her  experience of feeling her body naturally relax without effort, and  drifting into a blissfully restorative sleep, I could feel the relief with her.

It did take some time. These kinds of entire system shifts didn’t happen overnight.  

First we had to first teach her nervous system that it was safe (after trauma) to come *back* into her body.

Trauma  responses live in the body, not in the mind (which is why mindset work  often isn’t the WHOLE answer to manifesting the changes you’re seeking  to create.)

And even though my client wasn’t sure exactly what  was up when she came to me…. she had tried all the healing things with only moderate results. After trying so many things, she had a  sense that unhealed trauma was a piece of the puzzle.  

How to Create True Change in the Nervous System

Here’s what we did…

✅ First, we built in a whole new sense of internal awareness, to bring her back into her body. (Many high achieving women  are amazingly skilled at living outside their bodies, as a coping  strategy)

✅ Next, we uncovered her personal repertoire of somatic tools and  practices, so she could create an internal “felt sense” of safety in her nervous  system.

✅ With these foundations in place, were were able to discharge the stored “survival stress” that had been stuck in  her body for decades (which had been causing havoc with her sleep-wake  cycles, her ability to focus, her emotional state, and even her hormones  and digestion)

✅ Now, with more space, we next wired  in new neural pathways for ease and calm – handing her back the ability  to make the higher choice… so she could connect to her spiritual  guidance at any moment (instead of responding from a triggered place)

Regulating  your nervous system has become a bit of a hot topic — which has led to  lots of big promises for quick fixes and instant cures. 

The truth is that rewiring your physiology can take time.  It also takes support, a safe  container, and a consistent, skillful and nuanced approach to listening  to your system and guiding it out of old, fixated stress responses and  into new patterns of flexibility and flow.

I don’t do “hacks” or  band-aid solutions— but if you’re experiencing the effects of chronic  stress that don’t seem to shift (no matter what you try) – and you’re  ready to permanently and positively change what’s happening in your  nervous system so you can more fully express your soul level work AND  feel great in your body along the way- we may be a great fit to work  together.

::: Who’s this for? 

✨ Successful as you are, you’ve a hunch that there may be some  dysregulation in your nervous system (perhaps hidden beneath the surface  for years or decades). Ready to create true change, you’re seeking an effective and safe path  to release any stored trauma and create greater alignment, wellness,  calm, and flow 

✨ You’re not in crisis and you’re able to self- resource. 

✨ From your own inner guidance, you can own your journey and results. You’re not looking to abdicate your power, because you trust yourself.

✨ You’re not looking to be rescued – but ready to be supported in moving to your next level 

If  you’re ready to create lasting change in your nervous system,  permanently clear patterns of anxiety and stress, increase calm and  mental flow, and connect even more deeply to your inner guidance, so you  can fully live the next level of what you’re here for…. email me for  info about how we can work together and create this kinds of results.

And please join me in the Resilient Goddess Facebook group for access to a community where we learn and practice how to partner with our nervous systems, how to release stress from our bodies and minds, and how to fully own and embody our creative and spiritual power.

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